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evidence of marriage to send with i-130???

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  • evidence of marriage to send with i-130???

    Good morning,
    I am looking over my initial packet to send. I am using a service to help me prepare to some extent. They stated in addition to the marriage license, I need to send in at least 2 of the following 12 items to prove bona fide marriage, it lists things like utility bills, rental agreements, titles on homes, credit card bills, joint accoutns etc etc etc. We don't have anything like this, why would he be on my bills and all this without being here yet and I can't add him to my bank acct until he is here etc. What can I send with the initial I-130 to show bona fide marriage?

    I have visited twice in his country, the second visit was the legal marriage and we have all the paperwork from that . Should I send in print outs showing I traveled twice? What about letters from my parents and his showing support and involvement in the marriage? Financially he has given me money but he always gave me cash so I could exchange it at the airport into my currency, can we type up a statement saying he gave me X amount on these occasions? In egypt you he always used cash to pay for me, this is normal in Egypt people dont use cards as much as the USA so he can't print any statements for me to show all he spent on me. our flat in egypt is in his name so we can't show that. We have talked for years...I can go back and print out our first conversations to show the timeframe we have known one another which is years.

    also, I can get affidavits from my parents and his parents, even my child (she is 10) . What about an affidavit from my imam in my community? We are both muslims, my imam is the religious leader for my community.

    I am just not sure what evidence we can provide cause no we didn't have a normal married life together yet, that is what we are trying to do lol The only reason we did the legal marriage was because we knew the religious marriage might not hold up for a marriage visa and we would not lie on a fiancée visa and say we weren't married, we had both religious and legal wedding. we plan to show pics of the wedding at his interview when that comes as many family came so that also shows family support.

    any ideas would be appreciated?
    Last edited by Moki1984; 03-21-2017, 09:56 AM.




