You will be shocked to learn how much your college campus has to offer. Your university years are the only years of your life where you will have access to so many services for free. Campus resources are hugely underrated.
Not only do universities in the U.S. offer a good education, but they also strive to help you stay healthy, successful, and safe. Students tend to frequent places like the best cafe on campus, the library or the gym. But there are so many other places on campus that you must visit.
As an international student, these on-campus resources will be exceptionally beneficial for you. The reason being that you will not have to search the city and pay extra for the same services.
- Counseling Center
Why is the counseling center at the top of the list? As an international student, your first few days on campus will be a blur. It will take time to get accustomed to the new culture and lifestyle.
Most international students spend the better part of their first semester feeling incredibly homesick. You will face a lot of doubts about new relationships, and it is natural for such changes to affect your mental health.
Your first step after reaching your campus should be to pay a visit to the counseling center. Knowing that there are people who will listen to all of your problems will be comforting. Your student health insurance plan may also have a provision for mental health counseling.
- International Students’ Office
This place will be your go-to for any and every question. International students have a mountain of paperwork to sort through at the beginning of college. There is bound to be confusion and questions.
The staff at the international students’ office is there to help you with any issues that might arise for you as an international student. If you face any problems with the new lifestyle, culture, residences, your student visa, health insurance, or financial aid, you know where to go.
- Academic Advisors
If you have chosen to travel far away from the comfort of your home for your studies, you must not waste the time you spend on campus. Studying abroad can be challenging in terms of managing your academics.
American universities have a rather complex academic plan. You may not be accustomed to all of the requirements. So, visiting your academic advisers is a must.
Your advisors will fill you in on how to plan your semester effectively. You can be assisted with the subjects to choose, credit for your courses, and enrollment deadlines. You will have a couple of mandatory appointments pre-scheduled in your timetable. You should take full advantage of those.
- Disability Resources and Services Center
It is not known to most students that on-campus disability service centers take mental health problems into account. If you have any disability that hinders your academic life, you must visit the disability center and apply for academic relaxations.
You can receive benefits like deadline extensions, tutoring, scribes, and added lectures. If your university can afford it, they may even provide you with special learning technology such as dictation software.
- Career Services
Students come to the United States to make their dreams come true. On-campus career services serve the purpose of helping you reach your career goals.
International students can especially benefit from these services as they are new to the way things work in the U.S. You will most likely not have any contacts and you may not even understand the process of applying for internships and jobs.
The career services center will help you get a head start on your career by linking you with job opportunities that provide good work experience. Through them, you can obtain exposure in your field of work before you even graduate. They also prep students for interviews and assist in drafting CVs and resumes.
- Fitness Center
Most universities have various fitness facilities on campus. Physical fitness is paramount during your university years, as breaking a sweat at least once a day helps students cope with the stress of academics.
You may be familiar with the campus gym, but there are so many other amenities that you might not know about. College campuses usually have a running field, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a basketball court, and a football field.
Participating in sports is yet another trend that American colleges have. College sports leagues are huge in the U.S. Success in the field of sports may also fetch you scholarship offers.
You should exercise caution while using the fitness facilities on campus. However, if you have a student health insurance plan, all injuries that occur on campus can be treated at minimal cost.
- Recreation Center
Recreation Centers are a great place to meet people who enjoy the same things as you. Typically, university students engage in arts, crafts, pottery, poetry, music, dancing, and debating. These centers provide great platforms to hone your skills.
Not only are they a great place to relax, but the time spent there can benefit you professionally. If your hobbies are not offered as courses in your university, recreation centers can be a great way to gain exposure in such fields.
You can participate in exhibitions, public speaking, and even dance competitions. You can work on your skills by learning from others.
- Financial Aid and Scholarships Office
Most international students receive some kind of financial aid from their university. These offers are generally conditional so, you will have to fulfill certain requirements to maintain your scholarship.
The financial aid office is the place where you will receive all the important information regarding the status of your scholarship. They will also help you through the process of re-applying each semester, if necessary.
University campuses are abundant in student resource centers. You can grow immensely by making use of the assistance they provide. These places will surely ease the cultural transition for you, so make good use of them.