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ADITYA ..Best known for Late Poss, bad quality!
Out of hundreds on builders, people are complaining only about Aditya Builders... just imagine the frustation levels :)
There are some good posting also about Aditya Builders on this site.. extremely surprising!!
I'm sure all these posts praising the builder are by the employees only.. but everyone should form their own opinions... Try this, before you are planning to buy anything from Aditya, try to meet the owner of Aditya Builders for a couple of times. If you are allowed to meet him, please go ahead and buy the flat, because once you book, you'll never be allowed to meet him/her, like me.. There is no concept on customer service, once you have paid the booking amount.
Please visit any owner in Aditya Shagun Mall Or Aditya Garden City to know...
Also do'nt get sweet talked by the Aditya sales people with all their excuses and promises, take everything in writing.. Wish you all the best if you still want to book with these builders... but i will always sincerely regret my purchase with them.
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