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Beware of Mirchandani Buiilders in Pune - they r goons
I bought a flat with Mirchandani Builders whose possession is in Dec 07. The builder asked if we want any changes in the flat we should tell him now. I asked them for an extra electrical point in the flat. The builder gave me cost sheet for that which said Rs 2000 for a plug point and Rs 10000 (ten thousand) for supervision charge for making that plug point. I questioned the builder about the supervision charges, but he refused to give me any justification for charging Rs 10000 as supervision charge and nature of supervision in adding a new plug point in the house. He only says it is a policy and is confidential, but he refuses to show me where this policy is written. I went to the builder’s office and demanded to meet the director Mr Sanjay Mirchandani, who was in office but refused to meet us even after we waited for hours. Obviously, he was least bothered and interested in seeing customers after he got his money. His marketing person met us, but only argued, answered no questions, showed his arrogant attitude, and threatened to carry out no work in our flat. It is a sad state of affairs how rampant unfair practices are and the builders in the city act like goons and take customers for a ride. They are only interested only in the money and after that they try dirty tricks and unfair practices. People, please be very careful in dealing with builders and protect your rights as a customer and demand information as per the right to information.
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