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Fiance Visa - K1/ K2/ K3/ K4

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Give me some answer please
Hi,Im LoveLove I'm new here.
I had been to U.S with my daughter through a K1/K2 visa last September 2013 but I went home to Philippines because we had misunderstanding and fight about things. Last September 2014 he visit here in Philippines and meet another filipina.He filed a petitionto the girl last November 2014 through k1 visa.The filipina went to U.S last August 2015 but went home last October 2015 they didn't workout because he got many issues about the filipina.He still supporting me and my daughter financially and send me to school to pursue my studies in colleges because he don't want me and my daughter suffer. And now we are starting our new relationship together and he said he will bring back us back to U.S this year. Would it be possible for us to get a k1/k2 visa again? It will be his 3rd time of filing K1 visa.. If its possible can we still used our pictures together 2years ago as an evidence of our relationship?Thank you and God Bless..!
All Replies (2)


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