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H1B, H4 Visa

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H1 experience @ Hyderabad
Hi guyzz ...

Today my H1 interviw was scheduled @10AM. I went inside at 0940 and stood in the line and security guy handed over one plastic tray container to dump all our files,etc(incl. ur belt,watch,pen,keys and bangles for women)for scanning.. once scanning is done we are allowed inside. Remember we cant carry any sealed covers inside.

Once we go inside I was directed by a lady to a counter to collect my documents incl. original HDFC receipt which was submitted 4 days ago(for Hyderabad consulate)and handed me a small booklet. After collecting one guy guided me to stand in a queue for fingerprint collection. Once done with this the other guy guided me to stand in another queue which was for VISA INTERVIEW.I was the 3rd person in the queue for that XX counter and there was a lady VO inside.

My turn came and i went to counter and wished her.. went on like this

ME : Good Morning
VO : Good Morning (with very serious facial expression)
ME : Handed my passport and Confirmation page.
VO : she checked in computer and asked me which company you will be working for in US ?
ME : I told YYYY company and my client is YYYY
VO : Can you please repeat your client name?
ME : I told YYYY is my client
VO : ok fine... Can you show your client letter ?
ME : yes .. definetly .. and showed client letter
VO : went thru thoroughly each and every line and checked for some with her computer and returned my letter
VO : Have you went through the booklet given in the other counter?
Me : Yes ... It says abuot US rights and our stay at US.
VO : ok ... yes ...
VO : what is your highest qualification?
ME : Bachelors In Technology.
VO : ok ... again checked her computer.
VO : Marked "A" on my confirmation page which she took with my passport and

Now she said what i went for .... Your VISA IS APPROVED and you will get your passport delivered in a weeks time.

ME : Thank you !!!

Note : No need to panic or tense by watching others... In front of me 2 rejections happend 1 for H1 and 1 for F1 .. so dont care about others.. you just be confident and imp point to remember is GIVE POINT TO POINT ANSWERS no extra bakk bakk ...

Enjoy guyzzz ... ALL THE VERY BEST !!!!
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