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H1b Stamping with Reckless Driving
I am convicted for Reckless driving by speed (94/55) in Virginia. It states that in Virginia going anything above 20 mph is reckless driving and a Class 1 Misdemeanor offense. I was not arrested(put in jail)/Fingerprinted, Only my License was suspended for 3 months and payed fine of $600(which includes court fees).

I got my H1b picked up in the lottery and will soon file the petition to USICS. After October 2021 I plan to go to my home country(India) and should probably apply for H1b Stamping.

My questions are:

1. What should be the answer in DS 160 for the field : Have you ever been arrested off any crime/offense. Reckless driving is an offense in Virginia but not in every state and Don't know for sure if I have to mention it in DS 160. Please help me if anyone faced this issue.

2. As per my knowledge person will DUI will be denied stamping on the mental/physical grounds. Will it be treated same for Reckless driving as well?

3. Any suggestions/steps should be taken in advance to prevent stamping denials.

4. Will there be any problem at POE.

Please help me if anyone have knowledge on this type of scenario or experienced the similar thing before , it would be helpful for me.

Thanks in Advance
All Replies (4)


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