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L1, L2 Visa

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L1B individual Hyderabad
Visa Interview

Hello Good morning
VO: Good morning, Please provide me the passports of all three of you.

VO to my spouse: Place four fingers of your right hand on the scanner.

VO to me: Place your left hand four fingers on the scanner please.

VO: Who is your Visa petitioner?
VO: How long have you worked for them?
VO: Was it continuous?
VO: What state will you be going to?
VO: Oh nice, I have lived there too it can get pretty cold.

VO: What will your salary be in the US?
VO: What is your specialisation?

VO: Give me a moment I'm processing.

VO To my kid:

How old are you?
Are you excited?
What are you excited about the most? My kid, ice skating in the snow.
VO: well you can also sledge :) I get a lot of that most kids are excited about snow.

VO: Congratulations your visas have been approved. Safe travels. I am keeping your passports and you shall get them back once stamped!

Note: No questions asked to Spouse :)

Thank you office, Have a great daiy!
All Replies (1)


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