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After Greencard

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Motion to terminate removal proceedings
Good morning, I'm from Cuban, but I came to USA in November 2017, I was in immigration center detention for 37 days, and after that I got a paroled under Sec 212 (d)(5). When I was out of the detention center one month later, I received my firth citation for my immigration court, I have already gone to 3 immigration courts, and I have the last one the next year in august 2020. In December 2018 I applied for my green card under the Cuban adjustment law. I got my fingerprint, I went to my interview and they approved my green card, and finally I got it, my permanent resident card. But now I don't want to wait until my last immigration court, I want to close my case, but i need to know how to write a Motion of Termination. Thank you so much, and I hope you can help me, thanks. Regards
All Replies (2)


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