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PIO Card

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New York Renunciation and PIO together
Hi I have applied for Indian Passport renunciation and the PIO card on Oct 21 2014 at CKGS NY

The status shows that
Your application has been submitted at The Indian Embassy for further processing. 10/23/2014

Did any of you applied for the same around these dates or even before,say between last week of sept 2014 and 1st week of october, who got their renuciation and PIO card simultaneously.

I thought this whole process will be completed within a month, am i being too optimistic?

Any insight into this or other suggestions , like with drawing the appliacation for PIO and applying
for a expedited visa etc will be appreciated.

I have planned to start to India on NOV 27 2014 .

Any one can give me some hope or ways to find exact status ? so that I can act accordingly, Starting on Nov 27th is very important for me, Appreciate your Responses.

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