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L1, L2 Visa

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On 7th Sep, by God's grace my L1 Blaket got Appoved.
Hi All,

Let me first thank GOD for helping me to do it.
I am thanking this forum and all the people who have been sharing their exp

My interview was scheduled at Chennai at 11:30 AM.
I had to go to the Counter# 24, where a silky haired person was sat. I was the last guy yesterday interviewed by him (probably). He was in little hurry. At counter 23 & 24 two bald headed guys were sat. They are posing a little difficult questions comparitively to others.

I am from one of the top mnc companies.
Below was my discussion with the officer.

VO : How are you sir?
Me : Good, Thank you.
Me : Good Afternoon officer, How are you?
VO : No Reply (in hurry)
VO : So, you are working for xxx(>)company
Me : Yeah.
VO : How long you been working with > company?
Me : 5 years and 4 Months
VO : Who is your client?
Me : xyz( One of the top financial firms)
VO : What are you going to do to xyz
Me : Desing and Develop client application components with my companies proprietary tool ABC.
VO : So, you are going to Design?
Me : Yeah.
VO : Tell me what are the modules you will design?
Me : MMM1 and MMM2.

After this, VO was looking into the system for a while and said the most desired words of the process "Ok we will be sending your Passport in a week"

I said thank you.

Guys and Bothers & Sisters, don't be panic, be confident and put ur trust in the Living GOD JESUS CHRIST. HE would certainly help. because HE says, "Who ever believe in ME, everything works together for good."

All the best.
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