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After Greencard

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Pending i751 and going through divorce
Hi everyone.
Please I need an advice as my thoughts are clouded at the moment.
I have a pending i751 petition to remove condition on green card but sadly, I and my wife are currently going through divorce. I caught her cheating on me with her ex and all efforts to get things resolved by family and relations ended up badly.
I understand the negative impact this strains of divorce could have on my immigration status.. I've cried my eyes out.
Please what do I do?
Firstly, do i notify uscis to covert my petition to waiver or just hold on till I hear from them?
Secondly, Is it advisable to take an emergency short trip abroad with my extension letter??won't there be any issues at entry point once they know you're divorced?
Please share your thoughts..
Thanks in advance.
All Replies (2)


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