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Rediff website says delivered, Aramax says courier not found, and Me dumbo.
I have still not received but the website says delivered on 01 october 2009. Also the Aramax website and customer care lady says no such consignment no.

Somebody plz help me as to what i have to do.


Track My Order
Order No: 5600862 Date:2009-09-25 Order Status :Approved
Title Qty Price Delivery Status Consignment Number Courier Name
New Eiroga Multi Sim Fm Mobile phone with vendor Warranty 1 INR 5,199 Delivered
01-OCT-2009 6343070672

Shipping and Handling INR 75
Total INR 5,274

   Shipping Address
   Name: syed khundmir ashfaq
   Address: 21, pd house chinnasamy mudaliar road
queens road cross
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