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Student Visa (F1, F2, M1, M2)

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rejection of f2 visa under section 214(b)
Hi my name is Sahithi. i was rejected for f2 visa on 13th november, 2017.. the visa counslate asked me 4 question as follows
VC: hi, Goodmorning
Me: Hi, good morning
VC: What is your spouse name?
Me: told.
VC: he completed his studies ?
Me: Yes,he completed his studies .Now he is in OPT.
VC: when he completed his studies?
VC: When did you get married?
Me: told date.
VC:where he is working?
Me:told company name.
VC:where he is living?
Me:told place.
VC: when is his OPT getting valid upto?
ME: his OPT is valid upto Febryary,2017.
VC: M sorry you do not qualify for this visa, thanks

He gave me one paper which states that my visa is rejected under section 214(b) but he didn't explain me the reason why did he rejected my visa, he didn't even bothered to see my marriage certificate or any kind of marriage proof. i want to know what reason made him reject the visa. i want to reapply so wat care shud i take frm now onwards........
thnks in advance.
All Replies (2)


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