Could you please let me know if anyone has any suggestions/experience in dealing with stamping in chennai vs PIMS databse entry missing. I heard that few friends had issues with PIMS missing entries and delayed the process.
I am planning to have one week trip to India this month with stamping in the same week. Is there anyway we could get the PIMS data verified before we can appeae for stmping? How long is the expected timeframe incase if we fall into this category.
Aprpecaite oyur kind help.
Could you please let me know if anyone has any suggestions/experience in dealing with stamping in chennai vs PIMS databse entry missing. I heard that few friends had issues with PIMS missing entries and delayed the process.
I am planning to have one week trip to India this month with stamping in the same week. Is there anyway we could get the PIMS data verified before we can appeae for stmping? How long is the expected timeframe incase if we fall into this category.
Aprpecaite oyur kind help.