
I have lived in USA from 2006 to 2008 (nearly 2 years 5 months) and lost my job in recession by Aug 2008. While coming from US, to India, I was having 4 credit card balance. How ever, after coming back, i have settled two cards.

Now remaining 2 cards have a balance of 2500$ approx. balance to pay.
I have managed to pay minimum payment due, so far upto December 2009. for these two cards. Revcently for about 3 motnhs; i have not paid minimum due also for these cards, due to some issue.

Now; i have chance to come back to US., thru dependant visa(L2) ,as my wife is getting chance by april 2010.

I wish to know, the default in my credit card., will effect my Dependdant visa processing????????
