If you are paying by credit card, you can do it any time and insurance can start as early as next day or any future date you specify. That is the most preferred method, and ours is Verisign secure website
If you are paying by check or money order, it has to be first cashed and then policy will be mailed to you. Please allow around 2 weeks for complete processing including mail time, cashing time etc.
3105 Broken Bow Way,
Suite 100
Plano, TX 75093
Next day after the check/money order is cashed. There is no provider directory because you are allowed to visit any doctor/hospital.
1-866-INSU-BUY (1-866-467-8289)
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Fixed coverage plan questions
Fixed coverage plan questions
I have checked your web site to buy insurance fixed Coverage plan.
Would like to find out following information:
1.If passenger is arriving on May 20th,2005 How many days in advance we have to fill in application & send money
2.If we decide to fill paper application & send check where we have to mail the application & premium money.
3.After we send our application with full premium within how many days are you going to send us Insurance card & other documents like insurance coverage information providers directory etc.
4.Beside application & premium money what else do you need?
5.What is your toll-free number to find out some more details?Tags: None
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