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Rank | employer city | Number of Petitions | Average Salary |
1 | New York | 7,186 | $132,470.18 |
2 | Seattle | 4,991 | $112,799.10 |
3 | Redmond | 4,297 | $132,774.57 |
4 | San Francisco | 3,424 | $150,887.77 |
5 | Mountain View | 2,733 | $135,476.68 |
6 | San Jose | 2,028 | $143,897.49 |
7 | Chicago | 1,965 | $109,033.28 |
8 | Santa Clara | 1,796 | $143,035.85 |
9 | Sunnyvale | 1,740 | $138,075.34 |
10 | Houston | 1,442 | $95,231.31 |
Disclaimer: The H1B Sponsors Employers Search tool is intended for informational purposes only. immihelp®.com does not claim any affiliation nor endorsement relationship with any company appearing in the H1B Sponsors Employers Search tool.