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Experiencias más recientes
Need input in B2 tourism visa approval in Chennai

Hi, I'm are planning to bring my in laws for the first time to USA from Chennai , they are 64 and 59 years old. We have scheduled visa...

L1A-i129 related - Vancouver

Hi, I finished my L1A interview today ( April 25th) at Vancouver and it's successfull , after the interview the VO didn't...

L1A stamping done @ Vancouver

Hi, today ( 04/25/2019) we got our L1A visa got approved and thanks for all your help and Information provided.... Our appointmen...

L1A Visa Interview scheduled at Canada, Vancouver

Hi, I'm looking for a clarification regarding the dress code for the L1A Visa interview scheduled at Vancouver, Canada. Is there any dr...

L1A Visa Interview scheduled at Canada, Vancouver

Dear Members, I have been viewing the experiences and more details in this forums. Thanks a lot for all your inputs and sharing, I got clar...

L1A Visa Interview scheduled at Canada, Vancouver

Dear Members, I have been viewing the experiences and more details in this forums. Thanks a lot for all your inputs and sharing, I got clar...

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Tq for your reply

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Hi, Sorry for the late reply...Hope you passed the interview date. Still I’m sharing my in laws experience They have been asked only 7 ques...

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Today I went to interview at the same place and was afraid since I didn't receive my i129 copy. After seeing your detailed post, now i'm...

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Kindly provide me your email Id ( you may send an email to [email protected] ) , so I could clarify answers to one of the questi...

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Hi, Thank you for sharing your experience.. actually we have our L1A stamping @ Vancouver this 25th. I find your inputs are very informativ...

Respuesta a :

Hi, thank you for immediate posting . We are also planning for L1A @ Vancouver this month end , your information makes a lot !!! Tq could you ki...

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