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Visite o llame al +1 (866) INSUBUY o al +1 (972) 985-4400Do I need to submit sworn statements n400 application?
Do I need to submit sworn statements n400 application?
Hi everyone, Whenever I am feeling anxious this forum really helps me get better. I really appreciate everyone who responds to my post. ...
My husband and I had our interview last November 22, 2019 for my I-485 adjustment of status. He is a USC and we're married. As of December 1...
PD- January 10, 2019 Biometrics- February 4, 2019 Called to request to expedite EAD- April 16, 2019 E-mail receive to fax job offer from U...
Does the clock for the marriage based EAD card stops when we receive a request for initial evidence?
congratulations. How did you find out you're getting a stoke?
Where did you file?
Do you have any idea why they separated you in both times. Do you think your application has a red flag? different race?, huge age gap?
How did you find out that it is a stokes interview? Did you just assume because you got a 2nd interview request? Or was it mentioned in your not...
How did you find out that it is a stokes interview? Did you just assume because you got a 2nd interview request? Or was it mentioned in your not...
I feel the same tbh. I feel like they are testing us so much and they wanted us to quit on purpose. it's like survival of the fittest.
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