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Perfil de ShahOCI123
Experiencias más recientes
OCI Experience - San Fracisco

CKGS helpdesk should be renamed to something matching the attitude of their reps. Submitted application at India Visa Camp in Phoenix AZ: 4...

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I got it too !! everything happened within the specified time or may be faster.... I feel less transparency in tracking and CKGS's less inf...

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Just checked the tracking on Fedex website ... it got updated and says "Picked up today" Will get delivered by tomorrow evening.

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Same thing here. It says lable created and "Shipment Info sent to Fedex" and nothing after that. I was expecting some update tod...

Respuesta a :

Ya .. me too got a mail saying OCI matchup is complete and its being sent via fedex. The CKGS tracking website is also showing the update. God k...

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Just recieved two emails from CKGS. 1) OCI reached SFO, asking passport for matchup, 2) Stating passport recieved and is submitted to ...

Respuesta a :

My story so far for Step 2 - Matchup Process Shipped Passport: 14-Jul-2015 Passport reached as per Fedex: 16-Jul-2015 CKGS say they rec...

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