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Perfil de darwin_evo
Experiencias más recientes
Steps after Biometrics

I submitted an online application for Canada tourist Visa and gave my Bio-metrics this morning at the ASC. The same is already reflected on the ...

Sending Passport after biometrics

I am applying for the Canadian tourist visa from USA. I have already studied and lived in Canada before. Now simply applying as a tourist. ...

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Once the tracking # of VFS was generated, did you get any other notifications than the ones you have already mentioned?

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The major delay for online application is getting the Biometric slot.

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It takes longer for Online application as we have to submit biometrics after our Visa is approved. It takes around 2 days for biometrics to get ...

Respuesta a :

I am unsure of paper applications, but for online application it takes around 2 days to get approved. I would assume it should take the same tim...

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