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Perfil de ophelia83
Experiencias más recientes
question regarding lock box facility

Hi everyone, just wondering if it is safe to send to lockbox with USPS or use UPS/FedEx to send the address below: USCIS Attn: I-751 1820 ...

lock box or UPS

Hi everyone, just wondering if it is safe to send to lockbox with USPS or use UPS/FedEx to send the address below: USCIS Attn: I-751 1820 ...


Hi everyone, I have question and would be very happy if anyone can share experiences, knowledge, information. My green card is expiring on Septe...

I 751 and traveling

Hi everyone, I have question and would be very happy if anyone can share experiences, knowledge, information. My green card is expiring on Septe...

traveling while I751 pending

Hi everyone, I have a question and would be very happy if anyone can share experiences, information or knowledge. My green card is expiring on...

Comentarios más recientes
Respuesta a : I-751 — I-551 stamp

Hi, same situation and I guess my turn to be worried. Did you have a y issues coming back with an expired GC and extension letter?

Respuesta a : I751

Thank you!

Respuesta a : lock box or UPS

Thank you! But which one is safer USPS OR UPS?

Respuesta a : question regarding lock box facility

lol! Thank you so much and I just replied your post, too :) That is all very good information! Thanks!

Respuesta a : I751 Timeline

;Thank you so much! that list helps a lot :)

Respuesta a : I751 Timeline

Can I ask where do you find the information about where do you send your documents? I checked USCIS' webpage and there is only Arizona addr...

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