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Perfil de sonal-
Experiencias más recientes
regarding help of F2 visa interview

hi friends i m applying for f2 visa.please help me in this regard. little help on the interview

what documents parents can show in order to prove that they can support themselv

the lkst of documents which parents might have to show to prove taht they can support themselves .

Another related : Reply to answer to Sonal

thanks for your response. what documents parents need to show in order to proof taht they can support themselves

Is it mandatory to send affidavit of support to parents visiting

I would like to know do we need to send the affidivat of support if parents are visiting on a tourist visa and if both the parents are working

Successful H1B stamping at Delhi Consulate

Hi, My visa interview was scheduled at 9:45 AM but to be on the safer side and to avoid long waiting times in Queues, I reached at 8:15 AM....

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