Anyone who’s flown for more than a few hours will agree that lying down in an awkward position in cramped seats doesn’t exactly make for the perfect traveling experience.
When you’re on a long-haul flight, you might expect to get bored. After all, when you’re sitting in a confined space for a long time, it’s bound to happen. However, there are many ways you can beat the boredom that comes with a long flight.
The ability to sleep on a flight is certainly a luxury, but it’s not the only way to pass your time. There are many other enjoyable activities that you can indulge in while traveling. Here are ten ways to combat boredom on a long-haul flight.
Read a Book
Before setting out on your journey, it is a wise idea to pick out a couple of books. Of course, you can shop from the bookstores in the airport, but you may find the collection there quite limited.
While choosing books, you can go for a classic that you have always wanted to read, but did not have the time to, or you can reread a book that you know you enjoyed. Pick something readable, yet interesting. The shortlists from the Man Booker Prize are excellent choices.
Binge Watch
Is there a Netflix show that all of your friends are talking about, but you haven’t had the opportunity to watch yet? Download a few episodes and store them away on your tablet or laptop so that you can binge them while on the flight. You can finish a season or two of your preferred show, or go for a limited series. Limited series are great choices because they have only about seven to ten episodes. So, you can watch the entire series in one go.
Write In Your Journal
Journaling has become a lost art. It can be strangely therapeutic. Many argue that journaling is becoming obsolete, because its purpose is to keep records, which is something that can be achieved just as easily with social media stories. However, journaling is about you. It is about how the experiences in your life are making you feel, not what they look like to others. In a world where our choices are beginning to be more and more dominated every day by arbitrary trends, writing a journal is a great way to get back in touch with your stream of consciousness.
Play a Game
The lack of internet means that you won’t be able to play your favorite online multiplayer games while traveling. But there are still good old-fashioned board games like chess and checkers that you can play, especially if you are traveling with a partner.
Get Crafty
Get out that sketchbook, and unleash your creativity. The abundance of adult coloring books available nowadays has made it possible for everyone to channel their energy through artsy activities. You can also buy an Origami or paper quilling kit and follow videos to create your artwork. You can buy a collection of beads and charms as well and make some cool jewelry while traveling. The options are endless. All you need is some research beforehand.
Catch Up On Work
For workaholics, being away from work for a long period of time can be a daunting experience. Luckily, you can still be productive while traveling. Download some resources and materials so that you have offline access, and get to work. Catching up on work while on the flight means that when you finally get to the hotel, you can collapse on that soft bed, stretch out your limbs, and finally doze off in peace.
Listen To Music
Create a playlist on your phone for the duration of the flight. You can divide your playlist into two parts. The first part should consist of all-time favorites that you turn to for comfort and peace. The second part can consist of tracks and albums that you have always wanted to explore, but never had the time to. When on the flight, simply plug in your earphones, recline your seat, and enjoy your playlist for the duration of the flight.
Plan Your Week
Whether you are going away on a trip, or returning home after a busy week, you can always utilize the time you have to plan your next few days. If you are taking a long-haul trip, chances are that you will spend the next few days jet-lagged and tired. You will probably have to take some time to unwind before you can get up and going again. It is a wise idea to spend the time you have on the flight to plan out your next few days.
Pamper Yourself
Air travel can often leave your skin dehydrated. While on the flight, you can do a little skincare routine to avoid this. Wash and tone your face, put on a sleeping mask, a lip mask, and then move on to your planned activity. You will find your skin noticeably softer and plumper after you get off the flight.
Chat With Your Neighbors
If you are lucky enough to be seated beside a likeminded neighbor, get to know them. Chatting with your neighbor can turn out to be extremely resourceful, especially if you are traveling to a foreign city and your neighbor is a local. They will always have some handy tips to help you settle in, and you will be one step closer to having an acquaintance in the city.
With these tips, passing time on your next long-haul flight will be a breeze. We recommend that you select and prepare for at least two or three activities, since it is practically impossible to focus on one activity for ten to twelve hours. Before you book your flight, make sure that you have travel insurance so that you can be covered for any emergency. You can check out information on insurance specific to your destination on Insubuy.com.