美国入籍考试 — 老年申请者



A: Principles of American Government 美国政府的原则

1. What is the supreme law of the land? 什么是这片土地上的最高法律 *
• (U.S.) Constitution 美国宪法

2. How many amendments does the U.S. Constitution have?美国宪法修正案有多少条?*
• Twenty-seven (27)

3. What is the economic system of the United States?美国的经济体系是什么?*
• Capitalism资本主义
• Free market economy自由市场经济

B: System of Government 政府体系

4. Name one power of the U.S. Congress.说出美国国会的一项权力*
• Writes laws撰写法律
• Declares war宣布战争
• Makes the federal budget制定联邦预算

5. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?说出众议员议长的名字*
• Visit uscis.gov/citizenship/testupdates for the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives 请访问以上网站查询

6. The President of the United States is elected for how many years?美国总统多少年选举一次*
• Four (4) years

7. What is the name of the President of the United States now?美国总统的名字是*
• Visit uscis.gov/citizenship/testupdates for the name of the President of the United States请访问以上网站查询

8. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?美国副总统的名字是*

• Visit uscis.gov/citizenship/testupdates for the name of the Vice President of the United States请访问以上网站查询

9. Who vetoes bills?(谁可以否决法案)*

• The President (of the United States)美国总统

10. What is the highest court in the United States?什么是美国的最高法院*
• Supreme Court

11. Who is the governor of your state now?谁是你所在州的州长*
• Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. does not have a governor.]

C: Rights and Responsibilities 权利和义务

12. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?当我们宣读效忠誓词时,我们在向谁表达忠诚?*
• The United States
• The flag


A: Colonial Period and Independence殖民地和独立时期

13. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?在欧洲人到达前谁居住在美国*
• American Indians美国印第安人
• Native Americans

14. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?谁起草了独立宣言*
• (Thomas) Jefferson托马斯 杰佛逊

15. George Washington is famous for many things. Name one.乔治华盛顿因许多事情闻名,请列举一例*
• “Father of Our Country”国父
• First president of the United States,美国第一位总统
• General of the Continental Army大陆军总指挥
• President of the Constitutional Convention制宪会议主席

B: The 1800s 19世纪

16. Abraham Lincoln is famous for many things. Name one.亚伯拉罕林肯有许多著名事情,请列举一个*
• Freed the slaves (Emancipation Proclamation)解放奴隶(解放黑奴宣言)
• Saved (or preserved) the Union挽救了联盟
• Led the United States during the Civil War美国内战中的领导人
• 16th president of the United States美国第16位总统
• Delivered the Gettysburg Address

C. 美国近代和其它重要历史

17. Martin Luther King, Jr. is famous for many things. Name one小马丁路德金著名事件列举其一*
• Fought for civil rights争取公民权
• Worked for equality for all Americans为每美国人的平等工作
• Worked to ensure that people would “not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”确保人们不会被按肤色评判而是内在个人品德

18. What major event happened on September 11, 2001 in the United States?2001年9月11日发生了什么重要事件*
• Terrorists attacked the United States恐怖分子袭击了美国
• Terrorists took over two planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York City恐怖分子劫持2架飞机撞进纽约世贸大厦
• Terrorists took over a plane and crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia恐怖分子劫持一架飞机坠毁在五角大楼
• Terrorists took over a plane originally aimed at Washington, D.C., and crashed in a field in Pennsylvania


A: Symbols标志

19. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?为什么美国国旗有13个条带*
•  (Because there were) 13 original colonies13最初殖民地
•  (Because the stripes) represent the original colonies

B: Holidays假日

20. Name three national U.S. holidays.列举3个国家节日*
• New Year’s Day新年
• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day马丁路德金日
• Presidents Day (Washington’s Birthday)总统日
• Memorial Day纪念日
• Independence Day独立日
• Labor Day劳工节
• Columbus Day哥伦布节
• Veterans Day老兵节
• Thanksgiving Day感恩节
• Christmas Day

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