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Extra evidence I-751

Hi, I have been waiting 6 months on I-751 application (Vermont SC, last update fingerprints taken) I m thinking about sendi...

I-751 Vermont sc timeline (so far)

Hi, please share your timelines, This is mine; Feb/2/2021 - Packet received. March/11/2021 - Check cashed and got notification on my...

I-751 - Maybe a mistake?

Hi Uscis received my i751, according to my carrier, the 2nd of February 2021 but I have not receive any receipt and they haven’t cash my c...

I-751 filing to early or no?

Hi guys, I was reading in the USCIS glossary to understand what would be “filing to early” but couldnt answer my question; this are the d...

I-751 filed definition

Hi guys, I was reading in the USCIS glossary to understand what would be “filing to early” but couldnt answer my question; this are the d...

Comentarios más recientes
Respuesta a : Extra evidence I-751

Thanks Texas office, appreciate the answer but actually thats exactly why I want to send the extra evidence, so I don’t have an interview.

Respuesta a : I-751 filed definition

On my side neither!

Respuesta a : I-751 filed definition

Hi Andy! Did you get the confirmation from USCIS?

Respuesta a : I-751 filed definition

Thanks for the answer Chuddy! That’s a good point also. I was thinking about it the other way. -> Imagine if they received an applicati...

Respuesta a : Form I-751 (Rejection)

Hi Dave, Do you think this could be because when you signed the form I-751 you signed with a date earlier than the 90 days? I’m just not sure...

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