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Renewing Greencard

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Form I-751 (Rejection)
Hi Guys,

          i thought i should share my situation with you guys, maybe it can be helpful.My 2 year green card expires 03/08/21 and I filled Form I-751, mailed to Phoenix, AZ and it was delivered on 12/17/20 but on 01/23/21, i received my form I-797C (including all my documents) with a rejection stating that i filled prior to the 90 day period and also stating that they received it on Nov 20th 2020 which doesn’t make any sense. i immediately met up with a lawyer and he advised me to return the materials with a cover notice on top and the word "fixed", as well as not to rearrange my materials from how they returned them to me. He didn't feel it was a cause to for concern that he had seen a similar thing before. I mailed it back as instructed on 01/25/21 and it was delivered on 01/27/21. I immediately reached out (via email) to the congress person in my district to ask for help because i'm scared of losing my job. Today, i also contacted and spoke with a USCIS agent and it wasn't helpful because they asked me to wait. I'm leaving everything to God and remaining hopeful. Please let me know you've had or heard similar situation. Thank
All Replies (4)


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