Para visitantes, viajes, estudiantes y otro seguro médico de viaje internacional.
Visite o llame al +1 (866) INSUBUY o al +1 (972) 985-4400Good news to all. Our PIO got approved, received email today. Hopefully they will process all others too.
Going to CKGS in SFO has not helped us in any way.Our PIO was sent to SFO consulate on oct 28th. Will it help if we visit consulate in person fo...
Please update if anyone has received PIO card so far which has been submitted on Oct 27/28th. Because mine was submitted to embassy on oct 28th....
My PIO was submitted from ckgs to Sfo consulate on oct 28th. Has anyone received their PIO card who had submitted on or after oct 28th. I am tra...
it was sent to consulate on 10/28. my husband visited ckgs yesterday. that helped us; but as ckgs mentioned they will approve 500 PIO soon eithe...
thank you for your reply and congratulations on getting your PIO finally. My husband went to CKGS today at 5am and returned home at 11pm. He got...
really frustrated. no movement since 2 days. planning to go to ckgs on monday. please update if anyone's PIO was approved yesterday/today.
Hi Pioaz, How do you know so much details about all the PIO applications submitted?just curious.If all the oct 2...
Hi cjsfo, when was your PIO submission date at SFO consulate? Mine is oct 28th and travel date is Dec 3rd. Even I am plannin...
Yes, Mine was SFO. I should mentioned it in the subject line.
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