Para visitantes, viajes, estudiantes y otro seguro médico de viaje internacional.
Visite o llame al +1 (866) INSUBUY o al +1 (972) 985-4400My kids PIO application was submitted to the embassy on 08-Jan -2015. I was hoping that I will be receiving PIO card. Yesterday my kids PIO ap...
I mailed CKGS to enquire about OCI match up process as it has been more than two weeks since they dispatched the OCI card. CKGS mailed me back t...
Thanks 'immhelpreq'. Even mine got updated.
Even I did not get any update. Looks like for others OCI card was dispatched the very next day (see in tracker) and it took 2 weeks fo...
My status got changed to 'document printed' on 09-April-2015. Its still with Delhi don't know when they will dispatch it to SF co...
Mine is exactly same as yours. Application was sent to SFO consulate on 23-FEB-2015 and was sent to Delhi on 25-FEB-2015. Till date the status i...
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