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Can my wife have interview without me?

Hello everyone. I wish you all stay safe and healthy. There are some quick changes in my case. I noticed that my attorney send me a message th...

NIW July 2017

Dear All: I am as well as many of you just follower and good reader to this very helpful forum. Thanks to you all for sharing your experien...

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Respuesta a :

It is not normal but some cases (like mine) can take more than a year. My case is ready for an interview since 9/2018, yes since Septe...

Respuesta a :

Hi there, Please count the number of days from 11/14/2018 to the date of the receipt (date of receipt, not the date you sent the appl...

Respuesta a :

Hello All receipts of all application and approved (EAD ones), I-94, all EAD cards, prior passport(s), three years tax ret...

Respuesta a :

Try longer nickname

Respuesta a :

I think you should not think about that. The field office and all the communication are based on your address. Don't play (even your in...

Respuesta a :

Service Request. To see where is your case. ;jsessionid=abcryoZBnXwhY_PT3WdOw

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