Para visitantes, viajes, estudiantes y otro seguro médico de viaje internacional.
Visite o llame al +1 (866) INSUBUY o al +1 (972) 985-4400I applied for N400 on the 9th of July,2023 but I and my wife haven't file our 2022 tax, we filed for IRS tax extension. we are owning money ...
Good day folks, it’s been a long and hectic process for me filing for green card. I was arrested by ICE in my apartment complex feb of 2018 afte...
I’m Texas filer. I filed in 130, 131, i485, and i765 sometimes in August 2017, since then till date my case hasn’t been approve. I mean my i765....
Good day beautiful people. I’ve been a silent reader on here for few months now. I filled in my application my case through a Lawyer my uncle in...
I mean we are not owning IRS.
The case was just terminated by the judge. The paper work never state that the immigration judge approved my green card. Do you know the next pr...
To US a citizen
Congratulations Bro/sis. I’ve a similar case with you. My case has been been pending since the last 220days. I’ve done more than 6 service reque...
No red flag, the Lawyer I initially used didn’t attach affidavit of support. Which I sent in after they requested for it.
B2 visa. Very strange to me either. But I guess where this might come from. 2 was ago I called the congressman Office representing my county at ...
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