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L1, L2 Visa

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L1B rejected Chennai
L1B rejected and hope my experience can help others. And I could see most of the experiences provided here are for approved visa. Requesting to post even if it is rejected, so that others can learn what mistakes they shouldn't do when they attend interview.

My whole interview has gone not more than 4 to 5mins and below is the conversation

VO: How is it going?
Me: Going good, thanks. How about you?
VO: Good. Passport please?
Me: Gave passport and 3 sets of I129s and other docs
VO: (He verified passport) Is it L1B?
Me: Yes, L1 blanket
VO: L1 Blanket?
Me: Yes
VO: You are from ###? (My company name)
Me: Yes
VO: who will be your client?
Me: Its *** insurance
VO: So, what are you working?
Me: I'm working as *** specialist. Developed various tools in *** area and recently developed a tool called "xyz"
(I have well prepared for this question - what is your speciliazation? Or what is ur profile? Etc)
VO: How it was built?
Me: it was developed using yyy framework blah blah (just 2 lines answer and again this was well prepared answer - with what framework ur tool was developed?)
(VO: He was typing something and gave some 20 seconds break)
VO:Is it *** (my client name?)
Me: Yes
VO: Insurance?
Me: Yes
(VO: Again he was keep on typing something and gave a smile to me)
VO: How long with ###? (my company)
Me: Replied
VO: How long with ***? (my client)
Me: Replied
VO: After 5 seconds, someone reports to you?
Me: No
VO: After typing something again for 10 seconds he said, sorry sir your visa is not completely approvable
Me: I was shocked, and tried to explain him that my tool has expansion for other clients as well but he interrupted saying you are with same client for long time and you should be doing monotonous work. As per our rules you should not be going for L1B, please ask your petitioner to do H1B instead.

I said, thanks returned back

Mistakes I did as per my knowledge
When he asked "VO:Is it *** (my client name?)" I replied as "yes" thinking he was asking my client name. But after rejection I realized he might be asking for whom this tool was built (again this is my thought, but not exactly sure in what context he asked that tricky question) and my answer should be "No" with an extension saying "built for *** client, and has potential expansion for other clients as well" (this answer is in my perspective)

I said same after he said it was not approvable, but the reason he gave was "I was with same client for long time". If my answer for "VO: How long with ***? (my client)" is less duration than what I gave, then also he might have rejected saying "I was with this client for less duration, so can't approve"

So finally here are my suggestions.
1. Prepare well with your story line on the tool or specialization
2. Have multiple rounds of review and mock interviews with your colleagues
3. Be in the context of what VO is asking, don't try to answer for what you have prepared
4. I have prepared for some other questions like, why I should travel, purpose etc but he didn't ask them. I would suggest to have your answers crisp & clean and try to inject the answers for others questions which you prepared even though he don't ask them. Because for my case I have prepared strong justification for this question but didn't provide those details to him as that question itself was not asked.
5. Finally, prepare your answers to make sure to end your answer in such a way that VO should ask question from where you stopped and that would be easy for you.

All the best!
All Replies (1)


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