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L1, L2 Visa

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Applying L2 visa while having valid approved H1B petition
Hi All,

Need your guidance and expertise for my situation.
I am working in a reputed employer who has filed my H1B and have valid approved H1B petition till sep 2021. I was in USA for almost 3.5 yrs( including vacation months) and moved back to india last year in april 2019 due to family situations. I didnt stamp my petition after coming to india as i moved back from deputation of the USA project  and joined other project in india.
Now, i have a situation where my husband has got a opportunity for filing L1, its not possible for me to go in H1B as i dont get project and again, amendment, stamping would all min take a 6 months to 1 year.Hence, planning for applying L2 from his company end and travel with him to USA.

Please answer/guide me with below queries hampeing me to take a decision.

1. Can i go to L2 stamping while having approved petition which is not stamped yet in passport. if so, whats the probability of getting L2 visa.
2. Do i need to inform my employer that i am going for L2 visa? what will happen to my H1B if i go for L2 stamping.
3. If i leave the job , then my organization will the h1b petition. if my organization revokes the petition , will i still be eligible for COS from L2 to H1 or CAP exempt if i find another employer. 

Please guide me if anyone had / heard similar experiences . Your guidance will help me in taking decisions.

Best Regards,
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