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Business Visa - B1

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Business Visa
Hi, this site really helped me in clearing the B1 Visa Interview. Actually i was rejected once for the B1 visa before 11 months. i again applied and got the date on 30-Jul-10 morning 9 am slot.

ME: Good morning Sir,(in fear because, just before me, he refused visa for one candidate)
VO: Good mrng, how are u doing?
ME: Good sir, thanks
VO: What is ur purpose of ur visit to US?
ME: i am working on YYYY project .To attend a business meeting with my customers for the changes in technical requirements
VO: Who is ur customer
VO: How long u r working with this comp
ME: almost one year(also told XX months,XX weeks and X days to be exact since i did not complete exact one year)
VO: why you need 3 weeks for Business meeting(since i applied for 3 weeks)
ME: am having different variants in that project
VO: wat is that variant is about
ME: Explained the difference
Vo: where u r previously working with
ME: YYYY comp
VO: how long
ME : YYYY years and XX months
Vo: have u went outside of india
ME: Nope
Vo: wat is ur anuual salary
VO: (scribbled something over my confirmation letter and typed for almost 1 min in system)
adn said that, ur visa has benn approved, u will get ur cisa within a week's time.
ME: Thank u sir, have a nice weekend

Things to remember:
1. go in formals , dressing sense is very much appreciated(even though i seen some ppl coming in t-shirts and jean)
2. put your company tag such that, VO can easily see that
3.Better to be there before 1 hour(since many of them are requested to take their photograph again inside , because of the poor background on their photographs , i also had that :0:))
4.One guy actually given his original documents, certificates in the documents verification counter itself mistakenly they also missed. don give any documents in the pre screening counter other than visa fees receipt, passport interview confirmation letter.(they will give you a file with passport and interview confirmation letter again)
5. be confident about ur project and know about ur customers and ur company
6.Make sure that, ur invitation letter and ur purpose of ur visit states the same also tell the same purpose to VO when he asks (because, the guy who was rejected before me, had the difference in purpose of visit , Vo told the same and rejected him.(but it depends on your luck, because he did not asked me any documents)

all the very best
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