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L1, L2 Visa

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I94 expired due to passport expiry , missed update i94 after passport renewal
I need your urgent advice on the below scenario.
Just want to give you a background on my case, my spouse is the primary visa holder L1, I am on dependent visa L2.
I arrived at US on Dec 30,2016 and got an I94 valid till Oct 31, 2017 and my visa was valid till May 30,2019.
But my passport got expired on Oct 31, 2017 which has the same date as my I94. I renewed my passport but missed to renew my I94 then which we
left with a gap more than 180 days.
Mean time without noticing this i travelled on vacation to India on June 2 ,2018 and was back to US on June 25,2018. I was issued a new I94 at POE, which is valid till June 30,2021. I dint realize the gap in I94 from ( Nov 1,2017 till June 2,2018 ) until a couple of weeks back now.
It was complete mistake on innocence.
My spouse’s office filled extension last year and it is approved. where as my extension is still pending with USCIS.

Though my current I94 is valid till june 30, 2021, but the gap in my previous I94 and the present I94 is the one which bothers me , is it something I have to get it rectified or since i am back in status now , this should not be a issue. what are the options I have here .
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