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L1, L2 Visa

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L1 Blanket Interview
Hi all,

Thanks for posting your experiences, which really helped me to prepare for the inteview.

PFB my observations,

1.At the entrance, the confirmation letter and Interview invite letter wil be verified and then you will be given a token with number.This token number will be your identity through out your stay at the consulate.
2.Then security check full body check followed by the bag\files\Your belongings check.
3.Next you will be entering the consulate building where you will see many counters with people standing in queues at each counter.You will need to check for your turn by looking into the LCD displays that flashes the token number and the Counter\Window number.Once you find your token number go to the appropriate counter and do the finger scanning followed by the document verification.
4.Then you will be asked to proceed to next Building.Once you reach the building watch out for your token number and the respective counter in the LCD display. Then go to the respective counter\window and pay the DD.
5.Once the DD payment is done, you will be asked to move on to next lobby where the actual interview would take place.
6.Once you reach the lobby, Please watch out for your token number and the corresponding Counter\Window number in the LCD display.
7.Don't pay attention to anything else because you will be easily distracted by seeing things happening arround.
8.Once you see your Token\Window number in the LCD, Proceed to the respective Window and stand in the queue.
9.When your turn comes, Please move forward with a smile and greet the VO. You would not get the same from VO but keep having a smile on your face.
10.Answer all the questions with full confidence.Please dont give answers in detail unless VO asks for it.

PFB my questions,
1.Who is your client?
2.Why do you want to go US?
3.What is your experience with the client?
4.What is your specialisation?
5.Can you explaing in detail about the propreitary tools and the scenario where these tools would benefit your client?
6.What is your project?

Then came the long awaited words...I am approving your visa, You will get your passport in 3 days.
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