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L1, L2 Visa

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L1B and L2 Visa Approved
Thank to immihelp, this helped me a lot for preparing the Visa Interview, i would like to share my experience.

My appointment was on 17th Mark at 8:30 AM, I reached at 7AM, i went with my spouce and my 10 months old son.

don't carry any bags, you can carry one plastic carry bag, they will allow one milk bottle for infat babies..they will give first priority to Infant need to wait in the Q..

Here is my Conversation with VO.

Me: Good Morning..(with smile)
VO: Very Good mornig(with smile)
Me: Handed over my folder
VO: Since how long you are working for xyz company..
Me:x years and y months..
VO: who is your client..
Me:my client is ABC..
VO:How many members working for this client from xyz company
Me: gave the number..
VO: what you will do in US for this abc client..
Me:gave the answer ..' i wil be working so and so..'
VO:Why you only?
Me:' i got very good knowledge on aaa others in my team have the knowledge on this tool..
vo: your Visa is approved, you will receive your passports in 5 working days

Thats questions to my spouse..

All the confident..
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