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L1, L2 Visa

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L1B approved on 12 oct @Chennai consulate !
i owe major part of my success to this great forum.each and every experience which is shared in this forum has helped me a lot !
My OFC appointment was on 11 oct at Chennai and had some problem to locate this place.however some earlier comments shared in this forum helped me to find the place which is in the same TPL house in chennai so don't get confuse by reading OFC address at your appoinment letter instead ask autowala or taxi wala to drop you at TPL house.OFC centre is on 1st floor of same building.

My PA appointment was held on 12 oct and it was little delayed by 30-45 mins however process was much better streamlined and easy to follow and interview questions were the same. long you are working with company ?
2. indian salary and onsite salary?
3.specialised skill ?

and then Golden words came in almost 4-5 minutes of discussion "Your visa is approved ".

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