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L1, L2 Visa

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L1B Visa Approved
Hi All. first of all i would like to thank immihelp and for he ppl who shared their experiences previously i was visiting this site daily for one week before my interview to know the questions and exp of the ppl. it got helped me a lot and gave the confidence and prepare the answers for those questions.

Now its my turn to share my experiences for the ppl who are going next.My interview was on 27 may 10.15 AM as hennai is hot and so much traffic i started early morning hours from my home and i reached the consulate by 9 AM by the time i reach there is an already a big queue i went and stand in the queue..but the security is allowing only 9.15 slot ppl irespective of whether you are in front or back of the be seeing this i came out and had brk fast and joined in the queue exactly at 10 AM since my interview is at 10.15 security allowed be directly. here i would like to inform there is no need to stand in the queue for a long time in hot sun light just you can go 15 min before and tell the security your interview slot time even you reach there early.
As i enter inside a volunteer asked me to stand in a queue where they are arranging the docs and taking finger prints. after arranging the docs she asked me to go to next building for the interview and told me all the best. i went to the next building and sit inside. there also depending the interview slot time the volunteers are calling and asking to stand in the queue for the interview. my turn came around 12.15 PM and i joined the queue for interview..there were 3 counters for english interview and other 4 counters for other local languages as the line
moves we need to go to the counter which ever id getting free.. my turn came and the VO was a lady ..and the coversation follows below.

me : Good Morning ..! Mam.
VO : Good Morning . How are u?
me : i am doing good.
VO : keep your rt hand mid finger?
me : i just did what she said.
VO : who is your client?
me : YYYY
VO : what work you are going to do there?
me : i just explained what i prepared.
Vo : what specialized skills you have ?
me : told about the tools and frame work which i am working
Vo : how many yrs of exp you have in the specialized skill?
me : xx yrs
VO : what is your monthly salary?
me: ZZZ

she was doing some thing the system and started stamping on my seeing this i was happy and cam eto know that she is going to approve it.

after that she told you r visa got approved you will get your pass port within a week time..what i expected.

Thanks to all. .and be prepared for the questions which posted in this site. mostly those questions will be asked by the VO. All the best..
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