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L1, L2 Visa

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L!B Blanket-Rejected-Hyderbad
I had atteneded my L1B interview on 14th.My interview was scheduled at 10:30 am.Reached embasy at 9:00 am.There was a huge queue for finger print scanning.It took almost an hour for finger print scanning.My slot was at 10:30 and was still in queue at that time.10:45 this was done.After getting token was asked to wait.Finally mu turn cam at around 12:00 clock.
iwas asked to go to counter 9.there were 2 guys infronof of them is my fren from same company.and the other one is for f1
After 5 min the first guy(my friend) was rejected.He answered all the questions but still rejected.then the next guy for F1..he was intervied for more than 30 min.Next my turn came
Me:I greeted VO
VO:Good Morining
VO:Who is your employer?
VO:where do you work in US
ME:city and state
VO:what is US salary
ME:i said xxx amount per ,month
VO:How much per annum
ME:xxxx amount
VO:What is indian salary
ME:xxxx amount
Vo:What do you do?
ME:explained my roles and responsibilites
All the time he as looking in system when i was asnswering.Then he said you need to apply for apprioprite VISA.asked me to apply for H1.Then Gave me BULE slip.
Two of my frendz also rejected at the same time.In Hyderbad lot of rejections are happaening ,Specially with L1 B visas.
Its all luck dependent here.
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