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L1, L2 Visa

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My L1B Visa approved on 21st July@Hyd consulate
hi all,

This is my second attempt under L1B VISA last year My L1B got rejected @ chennai then after year i applied @Hyd consulate and finally i succeed below is my experience:

My PA was scheduled on 21st July @9:00AM
After Security check i wnt into consulate @8:30 am
then i was asked to submit DD of 24000 .
then i was given token which is for giving our finger prints(of 10 fingers).
Then after i gave finger prints then again i was given other token number which is for interview with VO.
VO officer was Female and below is my conversation with VO:

Me:Hi Good morning,how are u doing?
VO:Doing good fine thank u & asked for documents.
VO:What is ur experience with Employer?
Me:I have YYYY years of exp with employer.
VO:What u will do at US?
Me:I told,some bla bla on my responsibilties.
VO:Who is ur client?
Me:I xxx is my client

Finally those golden words came from her "Your Visa is approved and 1 week it will be couriered"
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