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Sending Money to India

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I see everyone wants good money for their transaction. Nothing wrong. Also you try different options (bank or hawala) whoever gives more money when you transfer. In the sameway banks are looking at different options how to gain on your greedy. Do you use govt. banks for the transactions? No, becoz they may give lower rates. But you want to take some risk so obviously this will be difficult to get satisfied as there is some risk. When you use alternative ways like hawala you might be funding terror groups. Also when you buy pirated CDs you might be helping terror groups in their funding. One day you will be shocked and surprised that you might be one of them in helping their funding for terror activities in India. And you just say oh my god these people should be punished for their atrocities but forgetting that you are helped them indirectly.
Yes I will agree that you need reasonable return on your transaction but don't try to be greedy. I saw people combine their transactions to save transaction fees. Means they can go any extent to fulfil their greediness.
Try use govt. services. Probably you can't miss a chance to become billionare from millionare just becoz you got lower rate from them.
Hope you guys understood.
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