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OPT Out-of-Status Question

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  • OPT Out-of-Status Question

    Hey guys, I have an unique situation here that I need opinions on.

    So back in 2013, I applied for OPT after graduation, and my OPT start date was June 1. Now I didn't find a job and started working until Aug 1, which is well within my 90 days unemployment period.

    However, I had forgotten to inform my school that I had found a job then, and it wasn't until April of next year that I contacted the International Advisor again, because I was planning on coming back to the same school for my Master degree.

    At this point, since she saw that there's no OPT information for me, she asked me to update it, and part of it involves obtaining hiring letter from my employer. Here is where I found out that my employer basically screwed me and said that I didn't start until October 1st for tax reasons, which mean I would've been out of status for around 30 days.

    The International Advisor I guess didn't really pay much attention to this, and went ahead and updated my I-20 to reflect that I started work on October 1st. I worked until the last day of my OPT, and since I was going back to school, I got a new I-20 with nothing regarding this particular OPT on it.

    Now my question is: Is this out of status period going to affect me in the future? I plan on applying for OPT again next year, and hopefully a H1B visa and then green card in the future. Is there anyone/anything actively keeping track of this stuff, and will my employer's actions affect me down the road?

    Just trying to clear my head and feel better about everything. Let me know if you guys can help.





