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Unable to recollect the Security question answers in new visa scheduling portal
I faced this problem with my visa scheduling and i figured out a way, i created new account and logged in at the upper right corner i found my profile, when clicked on that it gave me an option at the left bottom page as change security questions. When clicked on that, it poped up new login page in which i gave the old credentials and it asked me one security answer instead of 2 if you are sure with one answer repeat this step as many times till you get the question which your are sure of its answer. Then once you enter the right one answer then you will be poped up with all 3 questions and answers which you gave earlier. Then you can update them to new Q/A 👍 All the best it worked for me hope it works for you.
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Husband of H1B Holder
Can Anyone help with answering the following questions

1. I recently got married to an H1b holder, can I apply for an H4 visa? (Came back home to get married and had to return back to work all in 3weeks)
2. Does her name being different from what I have on my passport affect my chances even though I have a marriage certificate that proves the legitimacy of our marriage?(Bearing in mind she has been in the US all these years and been working there for about 4years)
3. Do I need any extra documents to prove the legitimacy of our marriage? Please advise
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Visa status from B1B2 to F1
Hello friends
I am currently in the us and holding indian passport and have b1/b2 visa and once I get the i20 here, can I go to any other country like Uk or Canada and get the f1 visa? or do i have to go to my home country only to grt the f1? also recently i read that we can do it here only but it taksz 10months or soo都but recent article sayz it can be done here faster. haz anyone done it. pls help to guide me. thank you soo much
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