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Gaurav Bhatnagar-'s Profile
Latest Experience
Kept I797 after successful H4 Interview..URGENT

Hi My wife successfully gave H4 today.My I797 was kept along with her passport and the Demand Draft. Will my I797 be returned back with her ...

H4 visa appointment with a renewed passport

Hello All I took appointment for my wife for H4 sometime in january,2006 and got the date for april.Now few days back my wife has made a ne...

Successful H1B at Mumbai Consultate!! Thanks

Hello All Finally on 29th afternoon i got the much awaited H1B Visa.All the apprehensions,weeks of prepration,voice modulation(i gave mock ...

Procedure for getting interview date as per new rules

Hi Took interview date today from Mumbai VFS office.Date given here is the same as that of the online system,so it hardly matters if u go a...

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