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Mike E's Profile
Latest Experience
Preclearance in Abu Dhabi

My wife entered the USA on a K-1 visa. She joined me a business trip on a different airline because she decided in the last minute. Fares...

Traveling with advance parole / EAD combo card for first time

My wife returned from a two week family visit in Myanmar in October 2019. At the airport in Uangon, Myanmar, the airline check in clearly...

Latest Replies
Reply to: i751- no response

You should hire an attorney. If you don’t want to hire an attorney, file a new I-751 To check if you are are in removal, then per another ...

Reply to: Travelling to Mexico with Extension letter 1-751

We completed a Roy d trip between SFO and CUN flying JetBlue on stop each way. My wife had an expired 2 year green card with a 24 month e...

Reply to: Travelling to Mexico with Extension letter 1-751

Name and shame the airline.

Reply to: Travelling to Mexico with Extension letter 1-751

Yes you can.

Reply to: Travelling to Mexico with Extension letter 1-751

The lady is a liar. Name and shame the airline.

Reply to: Travelling to Mexico with Extension letter 1-751


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