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H1B, H4 Visa

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F1 to OPT, OPT to H1-B visa

I would like to share my visa experience from Hyderabad Consulate on February 8th 2018. Sorry, for the late posting.

Visa officer was a lady.

ME: Good Morning Officer. How are you doing?

VO: Let me turn on my super power and guess you are from F1 to OPT and then OPT to H1-B.
ME: Yes, you are correct.

VO: You are working with x employer?
ME: Yes

VO: Are you working in Client location?
ME: Yes

VO: What is your client name?
ME: YYYY and after a while I was explaining about my client...

VO: She said, I know that client.

VO: Where in US based are you from?
ME: xxx

VO: She said something about the location.
ME: I didn't heared properly, so i smiled.

VO: Were you out of status any-time?
ME: No

VO: Which university did you graduated from?
ME: YYYY (gave short from)

VO: What xxx stands for:?
ME: Ellaborated my university name.

VO: What is your majors?

VO: What is your annual salary?
ME: xxx per annum

VO: She handed over a white slip with case-number and said that my application needs administration processing by taking my passport.

ME: I asked how many days it may take roughly.

VO: She said it's not in my hands, but it's turning around quickly now-a-days.
ME: Thank you, have a nice day.

Friends, I may missed the order of questions but over-all those are the questions i was been asked hope it helps.
My visa is approved and I have collected my passport within a week from the interview date.

All the best everyone.
All Replies (9)


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