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After Greencard

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48months extension letter not received yet
Hi everyone.
I filed for removal of condition January 2021, got 18month and 24th months extension, however I got an rfe December 2021, I replied with all the documents I could gather. Meanwhile my USC wife started cheating on me with her ex boyfriend, which sadly led to our eventual divorce, I suffered all kind of mental and emotional abuse from her. Our divorce became final Nov 2022. I was called in for an interview about a week later. I attended the interview alone. I narrated my story and how horrible and inhumane she treated me and cheated on me with her ex who she eventually got married to now.
The officer said she would review and get back to me.. but instead I got a letter transferring my case to NBC with new receipt number MSC.........
It's been 7months now and still haven't heard from them. I also did not receive the 48months extension letter, but I got a stamp on my passport which is expiring very soon. I do not understand why they didn't send my 48months extension letter, since they gave everyone.
Please kindly advice, am confused and highly disturb.
Thanks !!!
All Replies (11)


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