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Aditya Builder is Just a Cheater
Dont Buy Aditya Builders Property...i agreed with the message written below my post....
And Dont compare it with Chitale sweets...
Before booking try to get everything in writting if sales persons are giving any promises, commitments.....
Aditya's accessaries for Flat are not brnaded like Chitale Sweet Boxes....those are of very low quality.....
i got the possession of aditya's Garden City scheme and before going to live there...all taps door handles started rusting only in one month...then think @ it.....tiles are not proper fitted....
charginf heavy maintenance 2BHK 2600/month and 3BHK 3000/month but no service and no maintenace...

And major drawback he is forming Apartment and not the garden space and all other comman space in schemes belongs to Builder he can do anything over there...

And also its adjecent to High-way....its very risky.....we are facing lot of problems because oh much pollution, vehicle noises, so cant slip properly...Even service road work is going on there.....still its very think before buying 50Lac flat over there...

All The Best...
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